To order roses, simply fill out the order form, including rose variety, quantity, and any additional requests or questions you may have. Orders are not being accepted over the phone.
Rose orders will not be processed until April 19th, on a first come first served basis.
We will call to collect payment.
Pick up will begin at 9am on April 21
Our in-person rose sale here at Old City Cemetery begins on April 22nd! On opening day, we will also have a bake & book sale. Companion plants will be available for purchase on the grounds throughout the event (Apr. 22 - May 28), until they are sold out.
For a full schedule of events, or to purchase tickets for a tour or activity, click HERE.
If you prefer not to fill out the form, you may send your order to giftshop@gravegarden.org. Please be sure to include all contact information, including a phone number.